
This is a modified version of fastai’s XResNet model in github



 XResNet1dPlus (block=<class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'>,
                expansion=4, layers=[3, 4, 6, 3], fc_dropout=0.0, c_in=3,
                c_out=None, n_out=1000, seq_len=None, stem_szs=(32, 32,
                64), widen=1.0, sa=False, act_cls=<class
                'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ks=3, stride=2,
                coord=False, custom_head=None, block_szs_base=(64, 128,
                256, 512), groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                dw=False, g2=1, sym=False, norm='Batch', zero_norm=True,
                pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True)

*A sequential container.

Modules will be added to it in the order they are passed in the constructor. Alternatively, an OrderedDict of modules can be passed in. The forward() method of [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential) accepts any input and forwards it to the first module it contains. It then “chains” outputs to inputs sequentially for each subsequent module, finally returning the output of the last module.

The value a [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential) provides over manually calling a sequence of modules is that it allows treating the whole container as a single module, such that performing a transformation on the [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential) applies to each of the modules it stores (which are each a registered submodule of the [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential)).

What’s the difference between a [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential) and a :class:torch.nn.ModuleList? A ModuleList is exactly what it sounds like–a list for storing Module s! On the other hand, the layers in a [Sequential](https://timeseriesAI.github.io/models.layers.html#sequential) are connected in a cascading way.


# Using Sequential to create a small model. When `model` is run,
# input will first be passed to `Conv2d(1,20,5)`. The output of
# `Conv2d(1,20,5)` will be used as the input to the first
# `ReLU`; the output of the first `ReLU` will become the input
# for `Conv2d(20,64,5)`. Finally, the output of
# `Conv2d(20,64,5)` will be used as input to the second `ReLU`
model = nn.Sequential(

# Using Sequential with OrderedDict. This is functionally the
# same as the above code
model = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
          ('conv1', nn.Conv2d(1,20,5)),
          ('relu1', nn.ReLU()),
          ('conv2', nn.Conv2d(20,64,5)),
          ('relu2', nn.ReLU())



 xresnet1d50_deeperplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                         groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                         dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                         norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2,
                         ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                         padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                         transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                         padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None,
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d34_deeperplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                         groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                         dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                         norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2,
                         ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                         padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                         transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                         padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None,
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d18_deeperplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                         groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                         dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                         norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                         'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2,
                         ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                         padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                         transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                         padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None,
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d50_deepplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                       groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                       dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                       norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2, ks=3,
                       pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                       padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                       transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                       padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d34_deepplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                       groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                       dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                       norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2, ks=3,
                       pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                       padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                       transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                       padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d18_deepplus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                       groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None,
                       dw=False, g2=1, sa=False, sym=False,
                       norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>, act_cls=<class
                       'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, ndim=2, ks=3,
                       pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                       padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True,
                       transpose=False, init='auto', xtra=None,
                       padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d152plus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                   'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                   groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None, dw=False,
                   g2=1, sa=False, sym=False, norm_type=<NormType.Batch:
                   1>, act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>,
                   ndim=2, ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                   padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True, transpose=False,
                   init='auto', xtra=None, bias_std=0.01,
                   padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d101plus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                   'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1,
                   groups=1, reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None, dw=False,
                   g2=1, sa=False, sym=False, norm_type=<NormType.Batch:
                   1>, act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>,
                   ndim=2, ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                   padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True, transpose=False,
                   init='auto', xtra=None, bias_std=0.01,
                   padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d50plus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                  'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1, groups=1,
                  reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None, dw=False, g2=1,
                  sa=False, sym=False, norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>,
                  act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>,
                  ndim=2, ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                  padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True, transpose=False,
                  init='auto', xtra=None, bias_std=0.01,
                  padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d34plus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                  'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1, groups=1,
                  reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None, dw=False, g2=1,
                  sa=False, sym=False, norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>,
                  act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>,
                  ndim=2, ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                  padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True, transpose=False,
                  init='auto', xtra=None, bias_std=0.01,
                  padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None



 xresnet1d18plus (c_in, c_out, seq_len=None, act=<class
                  'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, stride=1, groups=1,
                  reduction=None, nh1=None, nh2=None, dw=False, g2=1,
                  sa=False, sym=False, norm_type=<NormType.Batch: 1>,
                  act_cls=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>,
                  ndim=2, ks=3, pool=<function AvgPool>, pool_first=True,
                  padding=None, bias=None, bn_1st=True, transpose=False,
                  init='auto', xtra=None, bias_std=0.01,
                  padding_mode:str='zeros', device=None, dtype=None)
Type Default Details
seq_len NoneType None
act type ReLU
stride int 1
groups int 1
reduction NoneType None
nh1 NoneType None
nh2 NoneType None
dw bool False
g2 int 1
sa bool False
sym bool False
norm_type NormType NormType.Batch
act_cls type ReLU
ndim int 2
ks int 3
pool function AvgPool
pool_first bool True
padding NoneType None
bias NoneType None
bn_1st bool True
transpose bool False
init str auto
xtra NoneType None
bias_std float 0.01
dilation Union 1
padding_mode str zeros TODO: refine this type
device NoneType None
dtype NoneType None
net = xresnet1d18plus(3, 2, coord=True)
x = torch.rand(32, 3, 50)
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [2, 2, 2, 2]
TensorBase([[ 0.1829,  0.3597],
            [ 0.0274, -0.1443],
            [ 0.0240, -0.2374],
            [-0.1323, -0.6574],
            [ 0.1481, -0.1438],
            [ 0.2410, -0.1225],
            [-0.1186, -0.1978],
            [-0.0640, -0.4547],
            [-0.0229, -0.3214],
            [ 0.2336, -0.4466],
            [-0.1843, -0.0934],
            [-0.0416,  0.1997],
            [-0.0109, -0.0253],
            [ 0.3014, -0.2193],
            [ 0.0966,  0.0602],
            [ 0.2364,  0.2209],
            [-0.1437, -0.1476],
            [ 0.0070, -0.2900],
            [ 0.2807,  0.4797],
            [-0.2386, -0.1563],
            [ 0.1620, -0.2285],
            [ 0.0479, -0.2348],
            [ 0.1573, -0.4420],
            [-0.5469,  0.1512],
            [ 0.0243, -0.1806],
            [ 0.3396,  0.1434],
            [ 0.0666, -0.1644],
            [ 0.3286, -0.5637],
            [ 0.0993, -0.6281],
            [-0.1068, -0.0763],
            [-0.2713,  0.1946],
            [-0.1416, -0.4043]], grad_fn=<AliasBackward0>)
bs, c_in, seq_len = 2, 4, 32
c_out = 2
x = torch.rand(bs, c_in, seq_len)
archs = [
    xresnet1d18plus, xresnet1d34plus, xresnet1d50plus, 
    xresnet1d18_deepplus, xresnet1d34_deepplus, xresnet1d50_deepplus, xresnet1d18_deeperplus,
    xresnet1d34_deeperplus, xresnet1d50_deeperplus
#     # Long test
#     xresnet1d101, xresnet1d152,
for i, arch in enumerate(archs):
    print(i, arch.__name__)
    test_eq(arch(c_in, c_out, sa=True, act=Mish, coord=True)(x).shape, (bs, c_out))
0 xresnet1d18plus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [2, 2, 2, 2]
1 xresnet1d34plus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [3, 4, 6, 3]
2 xresnet1d50plus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 4 layers [3, 4, 6, 3]
3 xresnet1d18_deepplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]
4 xresnet1d34_deepplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [3, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1]
5 xresnet1d50_deepplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 4 layers [3, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1]
6 xresnet1d18_deeperplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
7 xresnet1d34_deeperplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [3, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]
8 xresnet1d50_deeperplus
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 4 layers [3, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]
m = xresnet1d34plus(4, 2, act=Mish)
test_eq(len(get_layers(m, is_bn)), 38)
test_eq(check_weight(m, is_bn)[0].sum(), 22)
block <class 'tsai.models.layers.ResBlock1dPlus'> expansion 1 layers [3, 4, 6, 3]